Cosmetics & Dermocosmetics translations

We support companies in the cosmetics and skin-care sector with our specialized translation services.

The pillars of a global industry

Cosmetics and medical beauty are globalized industries where products are meant to reach any corner of the world. One of the pillars for growth and expansion is how your company is able to position its brand and advertise its products and designs. Our specialized marketing linguists understand that going global means speaking local, that’s why our translation not only conveys just a message but also the “intent” of the original documents into the target language.

language pairs

language solutions

ISO 17100:2015
certified translation process

How we support cosmetics & dermocosmetics manufacturers

Whether you’re marketing your products overseas or you’ve got production sites in a foreign country, translation plays a vital role in your product’s life cycle. It is essential that your multilingual content awakes the interest of your potential customers to boost your sales overseas.


Whether you’re marketing your products overseas or you’ve got production sites in a foreign country, translation plays a vital role in your product’s life cycle.

Product adaptation

Beyond language, ethnicity plays a crucial role when selling cosmetics and skin care. We help adapt your products to match the beauty ideals and perceptions in each country, but also within certain demographic groups in each nation.

Regulatory Affairs

EU regulations for manufacturers and distributors ensure that a certain number of labeling requirements have to be properly translated into the national language(s) of the countries where the products are intended to be sold.

Some of the documents we translate:

Desktop publishing for
packaging & marketing materials

Languages tend to vary in length. When you’re translating from English to Spanish, the target text will most likely take up more space than the source text. So if your document has limited spacing like packaging labels, our DTP team ensures that all translated documents look the same as the original.

Let’s talk about your next project!

MDR is the new set of regulations governing the production and distribution of medical products in Europe. In this article, we tell you all about this new regulation.